Welcome To UpswingIt
Did you know the foundation of this system was laid years back, tried and tested on our Co-Founder by the Founder?
Growing up in a family with several kids, parents often find it difficult to focus and meet the growing demands of their kids. In a world of immense exposure and the list of desires growing taller than Mount Everest, not everyone can afford it. By giving in, a parent is hindering the growth of their child into a well-rounded human.
As a parent, why pamper your child when you can teach and help them grow by simply putting in place a reward system? A system that rewards your child for every good deed and vice versa. Why not be the catalyst in your child’s development rather than in its hindrance? For this very reason, we created UpswingIt. At UpswingIt, we aim to impart the appropriate knowledge and world-class activities to your child to bring him the skillset required to be an exemplary human-being.
No, we do not mean to question the way a parent brings up your child. Nor do we doubt their child’s capabilities. We are here to bridge the gap between your efforts as a parent and the goals of your child. Follow your child’s lead and offer them a gift as this app.
We base our premise on the reinforcement learning theory.
The method of influencing behaviour through regulating the consequences of the behaviour is known as reinforcement theory.
Based on the work of B. F. Skinner- it is one of the more traditional approaches to motivation. Parents can encourage desired behaviours while eliminating unwanted ones using rewards and punishments through our proprietary currency- SwingIts